Jordi Canudas in conversation with Roberto Feo about the Dipping Light
The designer Jordi will chat with his former professor, Roberto Feo, about the history of the Dipping Light.

Roberto Feo is a current design professor at Goldsmith, London University, but a few years ago he was teaching at Royal College of Art, where he coincided with Jordi Canudas. From this acquaintance, Jordi recalls that Roberto pushed him to investigate and experiment with light. At that time, Roberto already saw in Jordi this innate ability for performing, while Jordi was showing a preference for light as a design material. Those years were a major catalyst for the creation of the Dipping Light.
We invite you to come listen to this story about the origin of the Dipping Light.
Matter of Stuff
Miércoles 17 de octubre, 18:30h
5 Lewis Cubbit Walk
N1C 4DF, London U.K.