Marset Dialogues: Processes – Joan Gaspar & Marc Morro

Processes with Joan Gaspar & Marc Morro

Last Thursday, May 28, the first episode: process of Marset Dialogues took place. This initiative consists of a series of online conversations between a special host and an invited guest talking about different concepts around light and design through our Instagram Live.

For the first episode, we had industrial designer and Marset product director Joan Gaspar, and Furniture Designer, Marc Morro.

Marc Morro is interested in creating simple and functional objects, with the aim of making them as basic, anonymous and practical as possible. On the other hand, Joan Gaspar is constantly searching for new languages, taking into account technical rigor, quality and innovation.

Together they discussed the different processes that each one carries out as a designer. Two opposing views, one artisan and the other industrial. If you missed it or if you want to see it again, here is the video:


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Marset Dialogues es una serie de conversaciones online entre un interlocutor y un invitado especial a través de Instagram Live. En esta ocasión nos acompañaron @joangaspardesign, diseñador y Director de producto de Marset, y @morromarc, diseñador de mobiliario. Hablaron sobre los procesos de producción desde una óptica industrial y artesanal. Marset Dialogues Episode 01: Process – Joan Gaspar & Marc Morro. Marset Dialogues is a series of online conversations between a special host and an invited guest taking the spotlight through our Instagram Live. For the first episode, we had industrial designer and Marset product director @joangaspardesign, and furniture designer @morromarc, talking about production processes from an industrial and craft point of view. #marset #marsetbcn #takingcareoflight #marsetdialogues

Una publicación compartida de Marsetbcn (@marsetbcn) el 28 May, 2020 a las 10:21 PDT